Asanas or Postures
Understanding and making the physical practice your own
Yoga postures are definitely not a “one size fits all” kind of thing. To make the practice truly steady and comfortable, we have to fit the pose to our body, not our body to the pose.
It’s important to find the essence of each posture and then to explore how that essence comes to life for you, by using props, changing the orientation of your body, or simply exploring a different way to expand into yourself. Each month we’ll break down a new posture commonly practiced in Hatha Yoga to help you deepen your understanding of what works for you!
Watch this short video to learn more about Sukhasana!
Ways to make Sukhasana your own
Basic Sukhasana
Simply sitting crosslegged on the ground with your spine erect.
Feel like your pelvis tucks under?
Sit on the rolled edge of a folded blanket to help neutralize the pelvis and lower back.
Hips working too hard?
Try placing blocks under the knees or thighs to take the pressure off the hips.
Cranky ankles and hips?
Roll up a blanket and wrap it around your feet to cushion your ankles and support your hips.
Whole back talking to you?
Sit up against the wall for full support. Nothing wrong with letting someone “else” have your back!
Don’t want to get on the floor?
Sit on a chair with your back supported and your feet flat on the floor.