All about our classes
Understanding our approach
Our goal at Sthira Sukham Yoga is to make our classes accessible to everyone. Our intention behind offering levels based classes is not one of exclusivity, but one of safe exploration. Traditionally a teacher would work individually with a student, guiding them along a path of learning and inner reflection based on exactly what would benefit that student at that particular time.
But in the West, we’ve adopted an all-levels approach that takes this important factor out of the equation. It’s not about judgment, it’s about support and the chance to grow naturally without feeling left out or competitive.
ANYONE and EVERYONE is welcomed in EVERY level
It’s also not about a certain degree of physical fitness, so it’s important to note that ANYONE and EVERYONE is welcomed in EVERY level — the focus is on the level of understanding a student has of the physical postures and Yogic concepts, not their ability to contort themselves into any specific shape. So whether a student explores a balance pose like Tree seated in a chair, with their back against a wall, a block under their foot, or no support at all, all of those students are welcome in any level of class.
As the levels progress, there will be less physical instructions offered, and more of a focus on the energetic awareness. So by Level 2, a student should be able to safely come into the majority of basic poses without needing a lot of guidance, and by Level 3 needing none at all, just the name of a pose. This allows the teacher to focus on prana (energy), Yogic philosophy, inner reflection, etc., and still allow time for silence. More complex postures that are introduced at these levels will of course include ample physical cues.
FREEDOM and JOY to safely explore
We want to give students the freedom to enjoy, safely explore and grow in their practice at the level that is appropriate for them. PLUS we want them to have a chance to deepen their understanding of all things Yoga, not just asana. It’s tough when you can’t yet figure out how to step your foot forward from Down Dog to be asked to engage your Uddiyana Bandha, rise up into Anjaneyasana, let your Anahata Chakra shine forward, and take Kali Mudra. What the what? I don’t even know which is my left and which is my right?
So many new students hear a string of instructions like that and feel like they should know what that means because the teacher so casually said all of it in just one breath. Three esoteric Yogic concepts all in Sanskrit plus a pose in Sanskrit in one sentence is way too much for a beginner. Most will leave feeling like they don’t belong in a Yoga class, and they’ll never come back. However in a Level 2 or 3 class, that all comes naturally to a student because someone actually taught them how to physically do it, plus the significance behind why they are doing it.
So it’s not about Beginners versus Advanced, it’s about levels of information exposure and understanding. To us thats a really important distinction.
Class Descriptions
75 minutes
Our beginners class gives you a chance to learn the fundamentals of the physical practice of Yoga in a warm and welcoming environment. We’ll practice simple warmups followed by a Hatha Yoga staple, Sun Salutations, which is a series of poses designed to warm up the body that are all linked together with the breath. Then we’ll explore a simple standing pose, some basic backbends and forward folds and then a nice long relaxation. There’ll be lots of repetition and reinforcement of safe, healthy alignment to ensure that you get the basics down in a comfortable and steady way.
60 minutes
*We have temporarily removed this class from the schedule, but hope to bring it back soon!
As the name implies, we’ll be exploring the practices while comfortably seated in a chair for the majority of this class. We’ll focus on gentle stretching, joint mobility and breath awareness, plus we’ll use props to either decrease or increase the sensation of each pose. This class is great for students who find that their current mobility level prohibits them from comfortably coming down to the floor, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a wonderful option for anyone and everyone. Chair Yoga offers all the same benefits as a mat practice, without the strain that weight bearing postures can create. If you’re new to the practice, Chair Yoga is another great way to explore the fundamentals at a slower pace.
75 minutes
A gentle yoga class incorporates simple postures and dynamic stretches that support mobility and ease throughout the entire body. The focus is on befriending your breath & body, and moving slowly & mindfully. Regardless of your experience level with Yoga, this calming Gentle practice is right for you.
Hatha Level 1
75 minutes
This class will move through a series of traditional postures with a big focus on safe, healthy alignment and physical refinement. We’ll move dynamically with the breath, plus spend time holding postures to experience their benefits. You’ll get a chance to explore your breath further with Pranayama (breath work) practice, experience a short meditation and wrap up with a long relaxation. This class is great for those who are both building and expanding their practice alike.
Hatha Level 2
75 minutes
In our Level 2 class we shift our focus away from physical cues and we begin to explore the more subtle aspects of the practice. The idea here is that you already know the basic poses and how they work best in your body, and you’re ready to turn more inward and explore the pranic (energetic) effects of the practice. This class will also give you the chance to experience longer holds and to learn more complex postures. While there is no cuing offered for basic poses, there will ample instruction for the more complicated postures that are introduced. You can also expect to practice pranayama (breath work), mediation and deep relaxation. Please note that students may be removed from the registration list, if we do not feel they are ready for this class.
In this class you’ll find yourself using your breath to flow dynamically between poses. We’ll move and play more and hold a lot less. Think of this as a meditation that moves your body through its full range of motion followed by a deep relaxation, leaving your feeling calm and energized all at the same time. Hatha Flow is great for those who already know the basics and are ready to explore and move a little faster.
Hatha Flow
60 or 75 minutes
75 minutes
Restorative Yoga is a deeply relaxing exploration of yoga asana where we use props to cradle the body as a way to promote a peaceful release of long held tension and stress in the body. You’ll be guided into poses and then be given time to soften and allow the effects of each shape to settle in. This class is wonderful for all levels. To practice from home you’ll need access to several sturdy blankets, a yoga strap and a bolster (or a firm cushion). Check out our Props page to learn more.
60 Minutes
In Yin Yoga we slow things waaaayyyy down. The idea here is that with longer holds we can get into the connective tissues of the body like tendons, ligaments and fascia. This practice really requires the ability to soften and allow the body to release, so it can be intense and therefore is not recommended for beginners.
Yoga for Stress Reduction
60 Minutes
According to the American Psychological Association’s 2022 study, over one-third of adults report their stress level to be completely overwhelming most days. Additionally, more than three-quarters of adults report that stress negatively impacts their life and health. Negative impacts include GI issues, headaches, fatigue, anxiety, & depression. Research shows that yoga, breathwork, and mindfulness can have a positive effect on stress.
Yoga for Stress Reduction will incorporate yoga asana, breathwork, mindfulness practices, and a guided meditation with Savasana each week as you move toward balancing the body, mind, and nervous system. Oh, and you’ll also have fun, because research also shows that laughter, play, and connection are important and healing! This class is highly beneficial for everyone, regardless of your familiarity with the practice.
Deep Relaxation — Yoga Nidra
60 Minutes
The simplest explanation of this class is a guided meditation that leads to deep relaxation. But really, it’s more than that. Yoga Nidra means Yogic Sleep, and while the practice can be deeply relaxing, the goal is not to fall asleep. Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation of sorts, so in this class you’ll be encouraged to notice or “witness” the different aspects of your being (your physical body, your breath, your thoughts, etc.). As you are guided through the layers you're being, eventually the awareness of your body and breath seems to drop away, and you may enter into a very calm and peaceful state of awareness. So the body seems to enter into a sleep state, though you remain fully awake. This class can be practiced either from a chair or while lying down on a mat, and is great for everyone, from the brand new beginner, to the seasoned practitioner.
60 Minutes
4th Sunday of every month
This class offers the opportunity to explore the deeper teachings of yoga. Each session begins with a 30-minute talk that introduces key philosophical concepts, followed by time for group questions and reflection to create an open, supportive space for learning. You’ll then engage in personal reflection with guided journal prompts, helping to deepen your understanding and self-awareness. We’ll conclude each class with a guided meditation, designed to help you integrate and embody the concepts. In 2025, we will focus specifically on the Yamas and Niyamas—the ethical guidelines and personal practices that form the foundation of yogic living. Whether you are new to yoga philosophy or seeking to deepen your understanding, this class offers an accessible and enriching experience for anyone interested in living with greater wisdom, compassion, and mindfulness. Please bring something to write on and with.