When you say, "I AM…" you are making a declaration to the Universe that you are "that," and the Universe, being vibrational in nature, has no other choice but to deliver more of that to you.

In fact, many worldly religions recognize these two little words to be the true name of the divine (whatever that may be for you), and therefore using them signifies your own divinity. As such, making an "I AM" statement is believed to have incredible power, so it's imperative that we choose positive, affirming words, rather than negative ones as a follow up.

For example, I've lived with depression most of my life, and I would often say, "I am depressed," when I was navigating dark waters. Then, when I learned how powerful these two words were, it stopped me in my tracks. I had been repeatedly declaring to the Universe that I am depressed, that that was me, that I was depression! But I'm not depression, I am a beloved child of the Universe. I may experience depression at times, but I am not depression.

I realized that if I was going to say, "I am…," I needed to follow it up with words I wanted the Universe to deliver on, and not "things" I wanted less of. It took years, in fact I still slip up occasionally, but I've learned to choose my words wisely when it come to my "I am," statements. If you've ever taken a class with me, you might remember that I begin the practice with two specific "I ams" — Here, and Enough. In fact, I actually feel a bit squirmy on my mat until I've said them!

Well this month I felt called to expand on these two favorites, and offer up a new positive declaration every day. Each morning you'll receive a new "I AM" statement in your email (you'll find them on social media as well). I know you might not open them every day, or even at all, but if you do, I invite you to pause for a moment and declare each positive statement with me. It's simple: as you inhale, silently say, "I am," and as you exhale, silently say the followup word. Maybe that's it, or maybe you repeatedly make your new declaration throughout the day, it's totally up to you.

Today & tomorrow will feel familiar, but after that, we'll be exploring new territory. I want to note that sometimes, due to our own insecurities, these statements might feel like a lie. But each one embodies your true nature, whether you can see it in yourself or not. So with that in mind, I encourage you to declare them, no matter what the word is, and if you're feeling particularly frisky that day, look yourself in the eye when you do it.